
Showing posts from July, 2023

Humanities Quadrangle

 I have seen this building multiple times and have always wondered what it is. Now I know. The Humanities Quadrangle is incredible. Despite getting lost repeatedly every time we turned a corner, my friends and I finally found the Student Lounge. I love how this building provides so many places for students to sit and study together, each with different vibes and surroundings. When I need a place to study next time, Berkeley Library won't be it anymore. Sorry, Berkeley, but I'm willing to walk a bit to sit in a much more comfortable lounge!

Yale Law School

  This was my first time in Yale Law School. The beautiful architecture made me in awe. Walking up the staircase with colored glass and portrait of important figures was priceless. When we reached the library on the fourth floor, I was blown away by the quietness and beauty. I will definitely tell my friends about this place and come study together some time soon. I also found an interesting book from the Free Books cart in front of the library: You Don't Own Me by Orly Lobel. When I read this book, I will surely miss the sensation that coursed through me when I first saw the library.

Beinecke Library

 I went inside the Beinecke Library for the first time this afternoon with a couple friends. I was blown away by the historic significance I could feel when I walked inside. The architecture was admirable, and the way the books were exhibited was extraordinary. I loved the marble walls they put on instead of glass and how they let warm light in but not the heat that would destroy the books.

Touring the Harkness Tower

When you're on Yale campus, and even when you're half a mile away, you can hear the bells coming from the top of Harkness Tower. We had an exclusive tour yesterday, and it was incredible. We went up flights of stairs until we reached the top. The Yale students who played up there even let us touched the keys and played. The view was beautiful, although we couldn't see from the very top. And the bells were the biggest I have ever seen!

New Haven's (Postponed) 4th of July

  Because it heavily rained on the 4th of July, the firework show was postponed to the 5th. My friends and I got to Wilbur Cross High School to see the show.  Instead of taking an Uber back, we decided to walk because the roads were closed. It ended up to be a 40-minute walk. But eventually, we got back to campus safe and sound. But even when we were not seeing the firework, the night was already illuminated by fireflies. Green lights filled Yale University Cross Campus, turning the place into a scene from the enchanted forest.

First Day at Yale University

  Battell Chapel      This was the first Yale building I saw when I first got out of the car. The Battell Chapel was striking with the cloudless sky as its backdrop. My parents helped me unload all my suitcases, and we headed to Cross Campus to sign-in to the Yale Summer Session. This was where the story began.   Grace Hopper College                    The Grace Hopper College was right in front of my parents and I when we had dinner on the bench. The architecture and nature fused together beautifully. We were excited to see squirrels jumping from a tree branch to another. Harkness Tower           My parents and I walked to see Harkness Tower before they sent me                off to dorm. Unfortunately, the tower was closed so we couldn't get      inside. But the bells sounded amazing when we were so close to the      base.